Your Ultimate Guide to Successful Celery Juicing

Your Ultimate Guide to Successful Celery Juicing

woman enjoying celery juice, your guide to successful celery juicing

We all know the benefits of drinking celery juice – the internet is full of articles when you type in “celery juice benefits”. 

For those using Medical Medium information for healing, celery juicing in an everyday affair. Washing and managing the entire celery juicing process can get pretty overwhelming, and while there are so many articles extolling its benefits, few share how to juice. Having juiced celery every morning for a family of five in the past 7 years, I attempt to share here our experience and tips on how you can juice successfully for the family. 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦❤️

Step 1: Rinse Your Celery

fresh celery stalks

Cleaning Celery is the most important step. If you can afford organic celery, please go ahead. For cost reasons, our family uses conventional celery. Depending on where the celery comes from (we use those from Australia and China depending on what’s available), how easy they are to clean can differ from time to time even if they come from the same farm. Separate the celery sticks from the bunch and rinse them. Sometimes there may be soil trapped between them so we do a quick rinse as we separate the sticks. A big sink is helpful in this case.

Step 2: Immerse them in water

Clean celery stalks with Force of Nature!We like to spray on our trusty Force of Nature solution right after rinsing and leave on for a minute or two before immersing all the celery sticks in water.

Step 3: Brush them gently with a brush

Brush away loose soil and dirt on your celery gently with a brush made from coconut husk.There’s usually some loose soil or dirt on the celery and some needs a little bit of coaxing to come off. We find using a small brush made from coconut husk pretty useful. Scrub them gently. You may want to cut off any damaged parts on the celery, as well as the top of the stick that has been exposed. You may also want to remove the leaves if you do not like a bitter taste. However, if you are fine with the bitterness, the leaves also contain anti-inflammatory properties and some believe it is more “medicinal”.  

Step 4: Rinse in clean, filtered water

Rinsing celery in a sink helps to save water.Rinse the celery sticks in clean, filtered water. It helps save water if you rinse them in a sink.

Step 5: Cut the celery into shorter chunks

chopped celery stalks for celery juicing

Depending on your juicer, we find it helpful to cut them down into shorter chunks. We use a Hurom H200 juicer, and it is helpful to cut them down to about 3cm chunks. Celery is rather fibrous, and it can get very harsh on the juicers in bigger chunks.

Step 6: Put them through the juicer

juicing celery stalks and dried celery pulp produced from juicer

This is the easy part! Depending on how much celery you are juicing, we recommend clearing out the pulp for about every 32 oz of celery you juice, as celery can be very fibrous and tough even for a good juicer.

Step 7: Pass the juice through a strainer

straining sediments from pure celery juice

We find that using a strainer is helpful to remove sediments from the juicing. It makes the celery juice smoother and easier to drink. We prefer to use a coffee strainer like the one we got from Ikea simply because one of my kids is particular about having sediments in her celery juice. Be sure to also remove the foam on the top of the juice. (It’s not like cappuccino!)

Step 8: Enjoy!

Freshly Juice Celery

The information provided here is for general informational purposes only, and not intended to be a substitute for professional health or medical advice or treatment, nor should it be relied upon for the diagnosis, prevention, or treatment of any health consideration. Consult with a licensed health care practitioner before altering or discontinuing any medications, treatment or care, or starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program.

Special Note

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