Healing Story: Medical Medium Nutrition Protocol Cleared 95% of Eugene's health issues

Healing Story: Medical Medium Nutrition Protocol Cleared 95% of Eugene’s health issues

Eugene Chow Healing Medical Medium

CFH: Can you share more about yourself and what you do?

Eugene: Hello, I’m Eugene. I began my career in cybersecurity and then software engineering, but today, I’m fully dedicated to being a therapist as the founder of Radiant Flow. My work focuses on hypnotherapy, nutrition therapy, and reiki healing.

The decision to shift careers came after I managed to heal myself from a range of health issues. I felt a compelling need to help others find their way to recovery as well. I’m so glad I made that choice because seeing others overcome long-standing illnesses brings me immense joy.

CFH: What’s your healing story?

Eugene: My journey to better health has been a long and wild rollercoaster ride. While I’m not completely out of the woods yet, and still working on some persistent health conditions, my health has improved a thousandfold compared to 20 years ago.

CFH: Please share the issues you are healing from

Eugene: At my lowest point, I had around 40 different symptoms that combined to make my life incredibly miserable. My health journal lists an overwhelming number of issues: eye discharge, dry and puffy eyes, light sensitivity, double vision, earwax blockage, chronic ear itch, tinnitus, blocked ears, ear pressure, hearing problems, sudden deafness, sensitive gums, halitosis, chapped lips, dry mouth and throat, hypersalivation, thyroiditis, lip biting, dry hair, Tourette’s syndrome, stammer, persistent head pressure, vertigo, pain and stiffness, chronic weight loss, excessive sweating, cold and clammy limbs, chronic muscle soreness, psychomotor problems, poor balance, muscle weakness, rhinitis, sinusitis, sneezing fits, enlarged nasal turbinates, photic sneeze reflex, persistent chest pressure, breathing difficulties, acne, chronic itch, skin crawling sensation, referred itch, constant hunger, indigestion, abdominal bloating and cramps, chronic belching, flatulence, chronic diarrhoea, random side stitch (not exercise-induced), gluten intolerance, lactose intolerance, multiple food allergies, yeast infection, anxiety, early-stage dementia symptoms, brain fog, poor concentration, poor memory, memory lapses, confusion, depression, anger, insomnia, frequent night waking, snoring, sleep apnoea, teeth grinding, sleep paralysis, and chronic fatigue.

To be honest, I’m not entirely sure how I got through all of that. Despite the doctors saying I was healthy based on my blood tests, and the fact that I looked fine on the outside, I felt absolutely awful inside. Friends would often say,

“Eugene, you’re so fit and healthy. How can you be unwell?!” It was a bewildering experience, but true. Internally, I felt like I was falling apart.

But here’s the good news—95% of those symptoms are now gone, and the ones that remain are manageable. Every day in every way, I continue to get better and better.

CFH: Is there any diet or protocol you are following?

Eugene: Today, I’m strictly following the Medical Medium (MM) nutrition protocol. It’s been nothing short of life-changing for me.

Along the way, I tried a raw vegan diet, macrobiotic diet, keto diet, and many other lesser-known ones with the aim to eliminate candida yeast infection. I also relied heavily on supplements for a long time.

While these approaches helped to a degree, none brought me the complete healing I was looking for—except for the MM diet.

CFH: How did you discover the diet/ protocol you are following?

Eugene: It’s almost ironic how I discovered the MM protocol early on but didn’t try it until years later. It’s my biggest regret in my healing journey because I could’ve saved myself 4 solid years of misery.

My health took a dramatic downturn in 2003 during Basic Military Training in the army. Since then, this “stupid” feeling in my brain, which I now know as brain fog, has been a constant companion. By 2017, I had tried many diets and was knee-deep in the world of healing. That’s when I encountered the Medical Medium in a health documentary. He was scanning someone for health issues with his hands, which felt too supernatural at the time, so I dismissed it. But I did save his book to my reading list.

By 2020, I was sick of feeling sick and threw in the towel to quit my job to focus on healing myself. During a visit to the library, I intended to borrow a book on the anti-candida diet, hoping for new insights into my candida infection. But then I spotted MM’s book, and it suddenly came to mind that it was on my reading list.

The candida book advised me to intensify what I was already doing, while MM suggested the complete opposite, claiming that candida was a non-problem. What a refreshing perspective! What did I have to lose to find the proof in the pudding? I took the plunge and I’m so glad I did.

Within just two weeks of following the MM diet, I recovered more than I had in the previous eight years. And in just two days of drinking the Heavy Metal Detox (HMD) smoothie, half of my brain fog lifted. I woke up feeling like a new person! I was floored!

I knew then that this was THE healing nutrition protocol I had been searching for all along.

I woke up feeling like a new person!

CFH: What are some of your challenges?

Eugene: Believe it or not, the MM cleanses were relatively easy for me. The juice fasts and detox programmes I had done before were far more challenging than the 3:6:9 Liver Cleanse. To illustrate how effective MM’s advice was, I’ve actually spent over 300 days doing full cleanses.

The main challenges with these cleanses were sticking to the prescribed foods, which became monotonous over time, and taking meals with me wherever I went, which made socialising a bit awkward. Plus, there was the constant meal preparation and planning when next to take the supplements. However, I stayed motivated because my health improved with each cleanse, and the high-octane foods kept my mental and physical energy levels sky high.

CFH: What has changed for you since you started on your healing journey? Eg. change of lifestyle for you & family, what you do for a living, etc.

Eugene: The MM healing protocols have worked so phenomenally well for me that I’ve committed to a semi-permanent cleanse. For breakfast and lunch, I have the HMD and Liver Rescue smoothies as per the Liver Cleanse protocol. Dinner is cooked food, but twice weekly, I drink the Spinach Soup smoothie.

My diet is now 80% vegan. I only eat meat as a last resort when socialising or travelling, and only when there’s no other option. When we’re out and about, I always reach for the “cai png” or mixed rice because I can pick the veggies and avoid the meat. That’s the biggest change to our lifestyle since adopting the MM diet.

My family has also adopted parts of the Morning Cleanse protocol. We all start the day with a celery juice, followed by a hearty fruit smoothie. My children drink a sweet delectable fruit smoothie while my wife and I enjoy a HMD smoothie.

As a result, my entire family, including our helper, has seen significant health improvements since we started. It’s been nearly four years since we began the MM nutrition programme, and it continues to help us remain at peak health.

CFH: What are your favourite products on CFH? Why?

Eugene: My go-to favourites are Vimergy’s PropolisPure, Micro C, Lemon Balm, Goldenseal, and Celeryforce. I started consuming them to tackle specific health issues, and the results were nothing short of amazing! These supplements have also helped knock out some of the health issues my children inherited from me.

Saying they’ve been lifesavers is an understatement! The MM diet and the supplements protect me more than health insurance and they taste good too!

Parting Shot……

Eugene: One of the biggest lessons I’ve learned in my healing journey is that you can recover fully from any condition you weren’t born with. The Medical Medium nutrition protocols, which are far ahead of conventional medical science, work better than any proclaimed science-backed diets out there. MM’s advice guides you all the way to full recovery—something I have never ever seen with other popular diets.

Therefore, MM nutrition is far from a fad. In fact, it’s more scientific than many other approaches. Whatever MM says about how a certain food will help heal a condition, when you consume it, you experience exactly the results he describes. Consistent, repeatable results—that, my friend, is real science.

So, diagnose, nourish, and heal yourself with the MM protocols, and you won’t regret it.

I’m deeply grateful to Pearline, Donnie and the Clean Food Haven team for making it possible for us to access the foods and supplements that support our healing journey.

CFH: Thank you, Eugene.

About Eugene Chow

Eugene is a Hypnotherapist who specializes in Past Life Regression, EFT Tapping, Reiki Healing, Nutrition Consulting and Corporate Training. He founded Radiant Flow to help others reclaim their wholeness and vitality with his therapies. You can connect with him at https://radiantflow.sg or IG at @eugenechow.sg

The information provided here is for general informational purposes only, and not intended to be a substitute for professional health or medical advice or treatment, nor should it be relied upon for the diagnosis, prevention, or treatment of any health consideration. Consult with a licensed health care practitioner before altering or discontinuing any medications, treatment or care, or starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program.

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