Ask Kate: Natural Pain & Migraine Management

Ask Kate: Natural Pain & Migraine Management

Ask Kate: Natural Pain & Migraine Management

Qn: Are there natural ways of dealing with pain without having to resort to painkillers? What would be good supplements to consider for migraine?

Ans: Yes there are quite a few ways of dealing with pain. It also depends what kind of pain you are experiencing. Is it a dull ache or sharp pain? It is also necessary to assess the pain score and how long the pain lasts for. Is the pain chronic, acute, where is it located at, these are important questions to ask. The better you can ascertain the nature of the pain and how it feels or even pinpoint the source of the pain, the better you can decide on your options and for your practitioner to help you.

Some options on helping yourself with pain in the body can be hot/cold therapy, red light therapy, deep breathing to help keep yourself calm during the pain, dynamic neural retraining, EFT tapping amongst other techniques to help you through the pain as well as any emotional attachment that may have come about over time.

Supplements that may be helpful in managing pain include Magnesium, California Poppy Seed, Nettle Leaf, Curcumin. Homeopathy may also be useful whether for a migraine or other types of pain. If the pain is external, topical solutions would include Arnica cream, Cayenne cream, Clove oil and Comfrey cream. 

Always bear in mind though, that these are methods to help support you through what you are experiencing, and you should always seek medical advice especially if the pains are severe or if they are chronic. It may be a bigger issue you are dealing with and only a medical professional will be able to help you with a proper diagnosis. You can certainly bring up these options listed above to discuss with your medical practitioner and formulate a plan that is most helpful to you.

Kate Sinha

Growing up with both parents working in the world of medicine and influenced by her mom, Kate has always been eager to learn and understand about natural healing and the body. Her own healing journey in life fueled her desire to learn how to utilize the foods of the earth for health. Kate holds a degree in psychology and has done a couple of courses on natural healing. She now uses her knowledge to empower others to understand themselves and their bodies better while they uncover their own healing journeys. You can find Kate on Instagram @katesinha for support in your healing journey.

The information provided here is for general informational purposes only, and not intended to be a substitute for professional health or medical advice or treatment, nor should it be relied upon for the diagnosis, prevention, or treatment of any health consideration. Consult with a licensed health care practitioner before altering or discontinuing any medications, treatment or care, or starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program.

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